Traditional Chinese Embroidery Fine Artwork Display | Brisbane Chinese Culture and Arts Festival
As part of 2018 Brisbane Chinese Culture and Arts Festival programme, there is a special exhibition of Traditional Chinese Embroidery...
"The Magic of Chinese Embroidery" Exhibition
Discover the Ancient Craft of Tuning Fine Silk into Delicate Art! To join the opening ceremony of "The Magic of Chinese Embroidery"...
每年临近圣诞,各社团相继会举办一些生动的庆祝活动。11月29日星期日的下午在黄金海岸亦将举办一场具有中国元素别致的下午茶。主题是“中国传统文化风------茗乐绣”。 服饰是本届活动的一大亮点。具有中国传统风格韵致的旗袍将会是其中最耀眼的东方魅力。伴着优雅的古筝伴奏,茶艺表...
中国传统文化 - 刺绣
Chinese Cultural Day - 中华文化日
Chinese Cultural Day 2015 17 October Sunnybank Plaza On the event day, ‘Xiu Zhen Ge’ Embroidery is going to display some of Jenny Gao’s...
大陆: 听众朋友你们好! 欢迎来到今天的<今日话题之布村华人故事>的特别栏目。今天请到我们播音室的是一位女士,中文名字叫高青敏。她主要是在苏绣方面比较有造诣,先请她跟大家打个招呼。 高女士:大家好,听众朋友好!很高兴来到这里有机会和大家交流。...